dinsdag 22 oktober 2024
Home | AntiSpam | CrypStor | Tools | Info/FAQ/Tips

Sorry, alleen Engels.


This is my adaptation of Dave Higton's spam deleting e-mail fetcher.

The current version is 1.68 (29-10-2020 - 756k)
MD5: 2030bb24e4d60b5a45ba27b531689e52
SHA256: 5774e9f85de6edafbf00d371b013d7c94450f1cb64a4611c4a2168f7b0399e46

Development version

A beta (b7) of the next version (1.69 - 03-09-2024 - 763k) is available for testing.
MD5: c8c323aed9ca1eda19f2175a06a013ec
SHA256: b478721a07af44863ad432f76bc7e5552e42445dba1812f4a2b7a3c919804f16

Look here for a list of changes.


AntiSpam is an application for deleting unwanted e-mail (a.k.a. spam). It can check your POP3 mailboxes and identify spam by looking at the headers of the messages. You can let it download the messages that are not spam at the same time (preferred) or make it start another fetcher such as POPstar after it has deleted the spam.
Using a specially tuned version of MSC, it can also send mail. You can specify AntiSpam as a mail transport for Pluto or Messenger Pro.


This is a RISC OS program. It should run on any version of the operating system from 3.10 (3.50 if you want to use the AcornSSL module for secure connections).


To run AntiSpam you need SysLog and having StrongHelp on your machine is strongly recommended. If you have RISC OS Select, Adjust or Six, you already have SysLog. Otherwise you may need to pick up a version from Tom Hughes' website. The most recent version of StrongHelp can be found here.


This program is © Dave Higton & Frank de Bruijn, while some parts are by Jeremy Nicoll and Martin Avison. As of version 1.68, it is released under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), version 1.2. This licence is compatible with GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2. See here for details. This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the EUPL. It is made available in the hope that it will be useful, but without ANY warranty.


If something doesn't work as expected, please report it on the FreeLists mailing list.


The authors accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by use of or inability to use this software. In particular, users or potential users should be aware that this program can be expected to delete e-mails from a server. This is its purpose. If you do not wish e-mails to be deleted, DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION!


Several people have written utilities or instructions for use with AntiSpam. These were written with the original version of AntiSpam in mind and may not work with mine. The following ones have been checked and should be ok.

User Tests

AntiSpam uses a script with rules to decide whether a message is spam or not. Sometimes you'll be faced with messages that cannot be caught by any rule you can create. If you know how to program in BASIC, you can add your own code to deal with that (see the StrongHelp manual for details). If you want other people to benefit from your work, you can send me your User Tests (check the StrongHelp manual for the address, please) and I'll put them on this page, like these:

name/link short description
alternate_letters To handle things like t.h.i.s i.s y.o.u.r l.i.f.e. By Harriet Bazley.
capitals To catch headers with mostly capitals. By Harriet Bazley.
datespace In case multiple spaces are used to line up headers. By Harriet Bazley.
domain/username For spam with usernames in From headers that equal domain names in Message-ID headers. By Harriet Bazley.
domaincaps Will catch domainnames in all capitals in From headers. By Harriet Bazley.
littlespammed To accept certain messages by username. By Harriet Bazley.
manydigits For messages with too many digits in certain headers. By Harriet Bazley.
repeatedfirstletter To catch things like 'arty artz artzt aruba'. By Harriet Bazley.
threedots If a header contains at least three dots. By Harriet Bazley.
trailingspace For headers that contain trailing spaces. By Harriet Bazley.
twowords A set of three rules - to be used together - to catch two-word spam. By Harriet Bazley.
viagra A viagra test, concentrating on the 'gra' bit. By Harriet Bazley.
weirdinitials For messages with 'weird' initials. By Harriet Bazley.
zeroO The letter O replaced by the number 0. By Harriet Bazley.
support Supporting code required by (some of) the above.
the lot All the above in one zip.

Using the tests

Most of the above have some descriptive text in the BASIC file inside the zip. The actual program code in each file is the section starting after the first blank line end ending before the first 'equals/dash'-line or the end of the file, whichever comes first.
The easiest way to add a test to the main UserTests file is loading that file in an editor like StrongED, placing the cursor at the end and dropping the new file (or all of them) in. You can edit out the headers and descriptions, but that isn't strictly necessary (although it will of course make the UserTests file smaller and easier on the eyes...). Alternatively, you can just cut/copy and paste the required bits from the new file to the UserTests file.
Be aware that some of the tests require you to make manual changes to other parts of the UserTests file. I.e. reading the descriptions first rather than just running the lot makes sense.

Strange format

In case you're wondering about the peculiar format of the files in the zips: the current version of AntiSpam has a 'User Test installer'. Don't panic! Manual installation using cut and paste will always remain possible...

Operation Clambake